We grieve because we have loved. Grief is love expressed by one.
This website is a casual non-commercial one man show.
I don't ever wish to disturb those who grieve.
If you wish to receive email notifications when new Volumes of Seven Pages of Grief are made available for download, please send me a message to that effect via the Contact form at top right of this page.
Be well and peaceful.
How would they want you to grieve?
I always ask people who are grieving: “How would they want you to grieve the loss of them?” Your loved one loved you. I am confident that they would wish you a grief with as little pain and as few sad days as reasonably possible. They would want you to focus on their life remembering... Continue reading→
Journal for grief
I am a strong proponent of keeping a journal when grieving. Paper or digital is not important, convenience and accessibility is. I hope to convince you to journal the journey through grief that brought you to this book. Months ago I was writing what became this post, alone at dawn by a quiet poolside on... Continue reading→
Purpose of Grief
Humans have evolved uniquely to seek and enjoy relationships based in love. Love is the basis of the formation of society and community. Family is the smallest and oldest unit of love based community. Because I understand that grief is love, for me it follows that grief must have an evolved purpose. If we can... Continue reading→
Responsible Grief Basics
www.DistillingGrief.com Pinned Blog Post "Grief is the final responsibility for having loved someone." This statement is an underlying theme of my writings and discussions on grief, clearly stating that how we grieve is a responsibility and should respect and reflect how and who we have loved and lost. Grieving responsibly implies that we will love... Continue reading→